Rabu, 23 April 2008

Taklukkan Musuh Bebuyutan, Andi/Koko Juara

SUNGAILIAT, SELASA - Smes Andy Ardiansyah gagal di blok Sataportn memastikan keberhasilan pasangan Indonesia I menjadi yang terbaik pada kejuaraan voli pantai Asia Pasifik Indonesia Terbuka di Pantai Parai, Bangka Belitung, Selasa (22/4).

Di partai puncak, tim Indonesia I Andy Ardiansyah/Koko Prasetyo Darkuncoro berhasil mengalahkan musuh bebuyutan, pasangan Thailand I Sataportn/Borworn Yungtin dalam pertarungan tiga set yang berlangsung menegangkan, 19-21, 21-17, 15-8."Set pertama tadi kami lengah hingga berhasil diambil oleh pasangan Thailand. Servis mereka juga sangat bagus, kami sering mengira out tapi ternyata masuk," kata Andy seusai pertandingan.

Didukung sekitar 1.500 penonton yang memadati lapangan semi permanen yang terletak di kawasan Parai Beach Resort and Spa itu, Andy/Koko mencoba mendominasi pertandingan sejak awal. Hanya saja, Sataportn/Borworn memberikan perlawanan sengit. Dengan blok-blok yang sangat baik, beberapa kali pasangan Thailand mampu membendung smes yang dilancarkan pasangan tuan rumah.

Nilai pertama diperoleh pasangan Thailand setelah mereka berhasil mem-blok smes dari Koko. Setelah itu, pasangan tuan rumah berbalik unggul dan berhasil memimpin. Namun, setelah sempat unggul 19-17, Andy/Koko melakukan sejumlah kesalahan servis hingga perolehan mereka terkejar. Akhirnya, Sataportn/Borworn sukses memenangkan set pertama dengan skor 21-19 setelah smes Andy berhasil mereka blok untuk mendapatkan poin terakhir yang mereka butuhkan untuk menutup set.

Set kedua berlangsung tak kalah menegangkan. Pasangan Thailand kembali tampil mengejutkan dengan blok-blok rapat membuat Andy/Koko kewalahan saat melancarkan serangan. Sataportn/Borworn sempat unggul 16-14 sebelum sebuah servis ace Koko untuk merebut poin ke-15 menjadi titik balik kebangkitan pasangan Indonesia.

Setelah itu, smes maupun blok pemain tuan rumah terus menghasilkan poin untuk menutup set kedua dengan poin 21-17. "Servis ace dari Koko tadi berhasil membalikkan keadaan, setelah itu memang kami lebih mampu menguasai," tambah Andy.

Set ketiga, Andy/Koko tak lagi melakukan kesalahan seperti set pertama. Mereka tak memberikan kesempatan kepada pemain lawan untuk bangkit dan cukup mudah meraup poin.

Thailand I juara putri

Sementara di kelompok putri, pasangan Thailand I Kamoltip Kulna/Yupa Phokongploy menjadi juara. Mereka berhasil menundukkan rekan senegaranya, pasangan Thailand II Jarunee Sannok/Usa Tenpakse dengan dua set langsung.

Pertandingan berlangsung ketat di set pertama namun pasangan Thailand I mulai menunjukan keunggulan di poin-poin menentukan. Setelah terjadi deuce beberapa kali, Kulna/Phokongploy menyelesaikan set pertama dengan perolehan skor 23-21.

Set kedua Kulna/Phokongploy berhasil menyelesaikannya dengan lebih mudah. Mereka memastikan kemenangan dengan perolehan skor 21-19.

Sumber.kompas online

Yang Muda yang Bersinar : Lailatul Aisyah

Lailatul Aisyah; Enam Bulan Absen, Tak Takut Tinggal Kelas

Gresik Petrokimia tak pernah berhenti menelurkan pemain muda di ajang voli nasional. Setelah menelurkan Maya Kurnia Indri, kini ada satu nama moncer lagi di Proliga 2008. Dialah open spiker Lailatul Aisyah. Pembawaan Lailatul Aisyah masih kekanakan tanpa pernah menyimpan senyum dari bibirnya. Namun, penampilannya di lapangan seolah bertolak belakang. Dia begitu serius mengembalikan bola-bola luar sebagai open spiker.

"Sejak awal, saya memang diarahkan menjadi open spiker. Ternyata, saya menikmatinya," ungkap Laila, sapaan karib Lailatul Aisyah. Perkenalannya dengan bola voli bukannya tak disengaja. Ismanto, guru olahraga SMP Gresik, tempat Laila menuntut ilmu, menyarankan muridnya itu belajar voli. Malah, dia langsung menunjuk Klub Voli Petrokimia sebagai tempat paling tepat untuk menimba ilmu.

Mendengar usul tersebut, Laila tak langsung menurut. Dia berhasrat bisa menjadi model.

"Teman-teman saya bilang bahwa saya berpotensi jadi model. Sebab, tinggi saya mencapai 175 cm," ungkapnya.

Banyaknya acara televisi yang menawarkan peluang menjadi model juga pernah mengurangi keyakinannya bermain voli. Namun, banyak sekali ganjalan untuk perjalanan di catwalk tersebut.

"Ya, sudah saya daftar ke Petro. Waktu itu, saya kelas dua SMP," ungkap perempuan kelahiran Gresik, Jawa Timur, 30 Maret 1992, tersebut.

Eh, setelah mengenal bola voli, Laila malah ketagihan untuk berlatih saat siang dan sore. Baru setahun belajar teknik voli bersama pemain junior, putri pasangan Mulyono dengan Sunarni itu mendapatkan kesempatan berlatih bersama tim senior Petro.

"Saya tak menyangka jika dipanggil oleh Pak Hanafi yang jadi pelatih tim senior. Wong masih setahun belajar, kok sudah bisa bergabung," ungkap Laila.

Namun, banyaknya pemain senior yang dimiliki oleh Petro itu membuat Laila belum dipercaya memperkuat tim tersebut pada Proliga 2006 maupun 2007. Kesempatan emas baru datang setelah Petro kehilangan banyak pemain. Seperti, Dwi Sari Iswaningsih yang kembali pada Jakarta BNI Taplus dan beberapa pemain yang hengkang ke Surabaya Bank Jatim pada Proliga 2008.

Konsekuensi yang dituainya pun demikian berat. Di bawah besutan Qi Lixia, Laila harus menggenjot latihan pagi dan sore di GOR Tri Dharma, Gresik. "Sampai-sampai, saya nggak bisa sekolah. Sejak enam bulan lalu, saya absen ikut pelajaran di sekolah," jelasnya.

Padahal, sebagai penduduk asli Kota Pudak, Laila bersekolah di SMAN 1 Manyar, Gresik. "Ya itu tadi, jadwal latihan sangat padat, apalagi mendekati Proliga. Setiap pagi, sore, pagi lagi, sore lagi," imbuhnya.

Untung, sekolah memberikan dispensasi terhadapnya. Apalagi, Laila memperkuat Gresik dalam even-even kejuaraan daerah sejak 2006 dengan mengantarkan kota itu sebagai runner-up.

"Mudah-mudahan, setelah saya ikut Proliga, mereka lebih maklum," harap dia.

Tak takut tinggal kelas? "Kan ada teman-teman. Kalau masih bisa nyontek, aman," lanjutnya.

Kini, meski baru satu musim memperkuat Petrokimia, Laila berkeinginan bisa melaju ke final. Bagaimana peluang menjadi juara? "Tidak mudah. Sebab, Surabaya Bank Jatim kuat sekali," imbuh dia.

Meski menganggap Bank Jatim sebagai tim kuat, pemain favoritnya bukanlah Srikandi juara bertahan Proliga tersebut. Dia sangat tertarik dengan Siti Nurjanah, pemain senior yang kini memperkuat Jakarta BNI Taplus.

"Saya suka sekali lihat permainan Mbak Inung (sapaan karib Siti Nurjanah, Red). Bahkan, sebelum masuk tim senior, saya ngefans kepadanya," ucapnya.

Sebagai punggawa muda, dia berkeinginan mengikuti jejak mantan pemain nasional tersebut. "Kalau bisa, secepatnya masuk timnas. Sehingga, saya bisa menambah pengalaman," ucapnya.

Lailatul Aisyah
Lahir: Gresik, 30 Maret 1992
Orang tua: Mulyono/Sunarni
Posisi: open spiker
Klub: Gresik Petrokimia
- Runner-up Kejurda 2006

sumber: jawapos.com

Jumat, 18 April 2008

How to Perform an Attack (SPIKE)

The attack is one of the basic moves in volleyball.

Difficulty Level: Average

Time Required: 2 seconds

Here's How:
  1. Wait near the 10 foot line, watching the setter
  2. Keeping your weight forward, anticipate and plan your approach
  3. Wait until the ball's trajectory is at its peak and then begin your approach.
  4. Start your approach using a couple of steps with the last two steps being a right and close left, or step to jump
  5. Swing your arms back and together to at least waste level and bend your back and knees
  6. Explode into the jump, jumping as high as you can and swinging both arms straight up in front of you
  7. Point at the ball with your non-hitting arm and bring your hitting hand to your ear
  8. With your fully extended arm contact the center back of the ball in front of your hitting shoulder with heel of open hand
  9. Snap your wrist and hit through the ball
  10. Bring your hitting arm down across your body and land on both feet, cushioning your landing by bending your knees

  1. You can gain even more speed and power on your hit by crunching your stomach muscles and bending at the waste when hitting
  2. Big arm swings mean bigger jumps
  3. Contacting the ball in front of your shoulder allows for more visibility of the court and more ball control

Six Ways to Be a Better Blocker

These 6 tips will give you the stuff to be the best on your block.

By Mike Schlegel

Become the aggressor on the overpass

Become the Aggressor on the Overpass

Many setters have trouble with tight, overset passes. And when you're a back-row setter, you can do little more than fake a block or back off and get ready to dig. But the next time the pass is tight and you're the front-row setter, become the aggressor and joust like former U.S. national team setter Lori Endicott is doing in the photo at left.

In this situation, the blocker will probably be up higher than you, but that can work to your advantage because in a joust, the player whose hands are positioned lower tends to win. From this position, you can keep the blocker from successfully pushing the ball down while you push the ball under her hands and down her arms.

Finish the block with a follow through

Finish the Block with a Follow Through

The best blockers know how to finish a block. To do this, you must follow through like a baseball player does when hitting or pitching. A textbook block doesn't end when the ball hits your hands. It ends when the ball hits the floor. And the best way to get the ball to the hardwood is to give a final push with your arms, wrists and hands as it comes off your block. Even if you miss the block completely, you should still feel your arms and hands making that final pressing motion as the ball passes. In the photo at left, Lori Endicott and Elaina Oden have followed through in such textbook fashion that you can almost see the backs of their hands as the ball smacks the attacker's face.

Surprise a jouster with the swipe

Surprise a Jouster with the Swipe

It's a great feeling to successfully joust the ball (and sometimes the opposing jouster) to the floor. Because of that mouth-watering, in-your-face challenge, most players don't realize that there are other ways to win a joust.

The opposing jouster always expects you to push the ball directly into his hand(s). Next time, surprise him with the unexpected and swipe the ball just as John Hyden is doing in the photo at left. Doing this allows you to direct it away from his hand and into his side of the court. The key is to swipe as hard as you can while maintaining control so you don't touch the net with your arm or hand.

Stay square if you're not there

Stay Square If You're Not There

No other player has to react as quickly or jump as much as a middle blocker. That's why a middle is inevitably going to misread a play and end up late on an outside set. Fortunately, there's a rule of thumb you can use to help make up for the occasional late block.

When you're late to the outside, it's okay to reach a bit, but remember to stay square to the net. Staying square means keeping your hips, shoulders, arms and hands parallel to the plane of the net. Never turn any part of your body toward the hitter. Turning your body causes two problems. One is if you do touch the ball, it'll likely deflect out of bounds. The other is you'll open holes in your block. So do as Hawai'i's Cecelia Goods is doing in the photo at left. By reaching out with the proper form, she is still putting up an effective wall.

Keep your eye on the ball

Keep Your Eye on the Ball

Two cardinal sins of blocking are dropping your head and closing your eyes. Unfortunately, these habits are hard to break, no matter how much you practice. One way to overcome these bad habits is to keep your eye on the ball as if you are going to attack it. If you can see the hitter contact the ball, it's almost a sure bet you can break this habit.

Another advantage to keeping your eyes on the ball is being able to react to an opponent's weak dink as Michigan State's Dana Cooke (No. 5) does here. She saw the tip coming and extended her arm to swat the ball down.

If it's on top of the net, always go for the ball

If It's on Top of the Net, Always Go for the Ball

Because of the back-row attacking rule, you should always remember that a back-row setter who attempts to set a ball that breaks the plane of the net will be whistled for the violation if an opposing blocker touches the ball. But if you're the blocker, and you let the setter set it, the play will continue. All you have to do is touch the ball, and your team will get the side out or point.

Also, when the setter is in the front row and attempts the same type of set, you should block that one, too. In other words, never let the setter get a set off if the ball is on top of the net. Of course, you have to make a good decision whether or not the ball has broken the plane of the net because if you're wrong, you'll be whistled for blocking a legally attempted second contact.

Should I Stay or Should I Go

As a blocker, you must make decisions whether to stay up and block or drop back and dig. Many players make the mistake of thinking that retreating is a gamble and will pay off only if the attacker hits an easy shot right to them. But the decision to retreat from the net shouldn't be guesswork.

Wait for the Set- This is the most important tip of the article. Most of the time, the opponent's set will dictate when you retreat. The prime time to turn and burn is when the set is well off the net. Of course, it also depends on the ability of the hitter you're facing. Against a big banger, you'll want to block more than against shorter players who like to shoot.

When you're likely to drop-

  • Your opponents pass a serve or dig a ball far off the net.
  • You're player against an erratic setter.
  • Your opponent is a shooter rather than a hitter.
  • The wind is blowing your opponents sets back and away from the net.

Watch the Pass to Determine Your Starting Position-
As the ball's being passed, adjust your starting position. For example, if the pass is way off the net, you may want to decide to retreatr because the set may not be that good. In this case, adjust your starting position a few feet away from the net to give you head start. If the pass is good, You'll probably end up blocking, so your starting position should be a bit more than arms length from the net.

Retreat to Your Opponent's Favorite Hitting Spot- Players usually hit the ball to the same spot, especially when they see a blocker retreat. Once you've learned your opponents preference, go to that area when you drop.

Extra Tips

One hand is better than getting dumped over-When you decide to block and the set drifts right to the top of the net, height is your greatest ally. Chances are, attackers can't take a full swing because they may hit the net. So they'll usually go for a shot over your fingertips. To combat this, drop an arm and reach with the other hand. This gives you several more inches of height.

Keep those hands up- When you retreat, always have your hands up and be ready for an overhand dig. If you made the correct decision to drop, then the set will be off the net and the hitterwill have only two options: A hard ball deep in your court or a soft shot. If it's a hard spike, the ball will come to you up high.

How To Block a Volleyball

A successful block is when the ball rebounds of the hands of the blocker and directly back into the opponent's court or deflects of the hands in such a way that the blocker's team may play the ball. Blocking comes in two forms, single and multiple. A single block, where one person blocks the spike, is often not effective enough to stop a good spiker. The idea is to take away as much as the court possible from the spiker, leaving less of the court the blocker's team has to cover.

Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: It's up to you.

Here's How:

  1. Set up - The most important factor is where you set up your block. Usually you want to be no more than one foot of the net and of course facing the opponent's. Keep you hands up at shoulder level and palms facing forward. Once the ball is set keep your eyes on the attacker. Position yourself on the attackers hitting arm, aligning half a body length to the side of the hitter's hitting arm.
  2. Opponent Jumps First - Wait for the Attacker to Jump - Timing is key and you want to time your jump so that you jump immediately after the attacker jumps.
  3. Reach - Reach your hands over the top of the net penetrating into the opponent's side of the net and positioned on both side of the attacker's hitting arm.
  4. Angle Your Hands - You want to angle your hands slightly so that the ball will rebound off your hands and toward the middle of the opponent's court.
  5. Recover - Whether or not you make contact with the ball, bring your hands back and land on two feet, bending your knees to cushion the landing.
  6. Prepare - Immediately turn away from the net and look for the ball.


  1. Usually, time dictates whether your team will employ a double or single block. However, if time allows you should always put up a double block.
  2. Another advantage to blocking is that by blocking the ball immediately back to the opponent's court this forces them to put up another attack. The longer that a team has the ball the more likely it is that they will make an unforced error.
  3. Normally net contact errors are made on blocking because the blocker penetrates too much, resulting in hitting the net on the way up, or fails to withdraw his hands on the way down.
  4. Inexperienced blockers will also set up too far from the net and actually jump forward to block the ball subsequently jumping into the net.
  5. If you find that when blocking the ball the ball contacts your hands falls between you and the net, then you need to square your shoulders to the net more.

What You Need:

  • Three friends
  • A net
  • A volleyball

How to Perform a Float Serve

The floater serve is a basic overhand serve that is easy to execute but somewhat difficult to master.

Difficulty Level: Easy Time Required: 5 Seconds

Here's How:
  1. Stand facing the net with your feet staggered. Your foot opposite of your hitting arm should be forward and pointed towards the opposite court.
  2. Keeping your weight on your back foot, hold the ball with your non-hitting hand underneath and hitting hand on the top.
  3. Extend your arms in front of you, parallel to the ground, move your hitting hand to your ear with your elbow high and toss the ball about two feet above your head and in front of your shoulder
  4. While transferring your weight to your foward foot, contact the ball with an extended arm and in front of you
  5. Hit the ball with a slap on the backside of the ball, do not snap your wrist and do not follow through
  1. Hit the ball as if you were going to hit something very hot
  2. Try to make the ball fly straight with very little trajectory
  3. To get more power, use your abdominal numbers

How To Jump Serve a Volleyball

These are step by step instructions for a right handed player to perform a jump serve. Left handed players need only to reverse their footsteps in these instructions. Submitted by Kevin Medeiros.
Difficulty: Average
Time Required: 8 seconds

Here's How:

  1. Position yourself 3 long strides from the end line
  2. Take one long step forward with your left leg
  3. During your second step toss the ball high and in front of you. You should toss the ball high enough so that you can hit the ball after your third step
  4. Take your third step and then plant your right foot behind your left and jump
  5. Make contact with the ball on its decent and hit the top-center of the ball
  6. Allow yourself to land on or over the end line with your momentum moving you straight towards the net


  1. Focus on balance. If you find yourself falling on your landing or landing off the right then you are overthrowing the ball
  2. If you are landing short of the line you are under tossing the ball. The most important thing in this serve is timing
  3. Try tossing the ball with backspin to get the desired top spin at contact
  4. The best way to learn is try a one step approach, then two and finally three steps. This will help you focus on your toss

What You Need:

  • A Volleyball

The Volleyball Story: The birth of the game

William G. Morgan (1870-1942), who was born in the State of New York, has gone down in history as the inventor of the game of volleyball, to which he originally gave the name of "Mintonette".

The young Morgan carried out his undergraduate studies at the Springfield College of the YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) where he met James Naismith who, in 1891, had invented basketball. After graduating, Morgan spent his first year at the Auburn (Maine) YMCA after which, during the summer of 1895, he moved to the YMCA at Holyoke (Massachusetts) where he became Director of Physical Education. In this role he had the opportunity to establish develop, and direct a vast programme of exercises and sport classes for male adults.

His leadership was enthusiastically accepted, and his classes grew in numbers. He came to realise that he needed a certain type of competitive recreational game in order to vary his programme. Basketball, which sport was beginning to develop, seemed to suit young people, but it was necessary to find a less violent and less intense alternative for the older members.

At that time Morgan knew of no similar game to volleyball which could guide him; he developed it from his own sports training methods and his practical experience in the YMCA gymnasium. Describing his first experiments he said: "In search of an appropriate game, tennis occurred to me, but this required rackets, balls, a net and other equipment, so it was eliminated - but the idea of a net seemed a good one. We raised it to a height of about 6 feet 6 inches (lm.98) from the ground, just above the head of an average man. We needed a ball, and among those we tried was a basketball bladder, but this was too light and too slow, we therefore tried the basketball itself, which was too big and too heavy".

In the end, Morgan asked the firm of A.G. Spalding & Bros. to make a ball, which they did at their factory near Chicopee, in Massachusetts. The result was quite satisfactory: the ball was leather-covered, with a rubber inner tube; its circumference was not less than 25 and not more than 27 inches (63.5 cm and 68.6 cm, respectively), and its weight not less than 9 and not more than 12 ounces (252 gr and 336 gr, respectively).

Morgan asked two of his friends from Holyoke, Dr. Frank Wood and John Lynch, to draw up (based on his suggestions) the basic concepts of the game together with the first ten rules.

Early in 1896 a conference was organized at the YMCA College in Springfield, bringing together all the YMCA Directors of Physical Education. Dr Luther Halsey Gulick, Director of the professional physical education training school (and also Executive Director of the Department of Physical Education of the International Committee of YMCA's) invited Morgan to make a demonstration of his game in the new college stadium. Morgan took two teams, each made up of five men (and some loyal fans) to Springfield, where the demonstration was made before the conference delegates in the East Gymnasium. The captain of one of the teams was J.J. Curran and of the other John Lynch who were respectively, Mayor and Chief of the Fire Brigade of Holyoke.

Morgan explained that the new game was designed for gymnasia or exercise halls, but could also be played in open air. An unlimited number of players could participate - the object of the game being keep the ball in movement over a high net, from one side to the other.

After seeing the demonstration, and hearing the explanation of Morgan, Professor Alfred T. Halstead called attention to the action, or the act phase, of the ball's flight, and proposed that the name "Mintonette" be replaced by "Volley Ball". This name was accepted by Morgan and the conference. (It is interesting to note that the same name has survived over the years, with one slight alteration: in 1952, the Administrative Committee of the USVBA voted to spell the name in one word, "Volleyball", but continued to use USVBA to signify United States Volleyball Association).

Mr Morgan explained the rules and worked on them, then gave a hand-written copy to the conference to the conference of YMCA directors of physical education, as a guide for the use and development of the game. A committee was appointed to study the rules and produce suggestions for the game's promotion and teaching.

A brief report on the new game and its rules was published in the July 1896 edition of "Physical Education" and the rules were included in the 1897 edition of the first official handbook of the North American YMCA Athletic League.

The world-wide growth

The Physical Education Directors of the YMCA, encouraged particularly by two professional schools of physical education, Springfield college in Massachusetts and George Williams College in Chicago (now at Downers Grove, Illinois), adopted Volleyball in all its societies throughout the United States, Canada (in 1900 Canada became the first foreign country to adopt the game), and also in many other countries: Elwood S. Brown in the Philippines (1910), J. Howard Crocker in China, Franklin H. Brown in Japan (1908), Dr J.H. Gray in Burma, in China and in India, and other precursors in Mexico, the South-American, European and African countries.

By 1913 the development of Volleyball on the Asian continent was assured as, in that year, the game was included on the programme of the first Far-Eastern Games, organized in Manila. It should be noted that, for a long time, volleyball was played in Asia according to the "Brown" rules which, amongst other things, used sixteen players (to enable a greater participation in matches).

An indication of the growth of Volleyball in the United States is given in an article published in 1916 in the Spalding Volleyball Guide and written by Robert C Cubbon. In that article Cubbon estimated that the number of players had reached a total of 200,000 people subdivided in the following way: in the YMCA (boys, young men, and older men) 70,000; in the YWCA (girls and women) 50,000; in schools (boys and girls) 25,000 and in colleges (young men) 10,000.

In 1916, the YMCA managed to induce the powerful National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) to publish its rules and a series of articles, contributing to the rapid growth of volleyball among young college students. In 1918 the number of players per team was limited to six, and in 1922 the maximum number of authorized contacts with the ball was fixed at three.

Until the early thirties volleyball was for the most part a game of leisure and recreation, and there were only few international activities and competitions. There were different rules of the game in the various parts of the world; however, national championships were played in many countries (for instance, in Eastern Europe where the level of play had reached a remarkable standard) Volleyball thus became more and more a competitive sport with high physical and technical performance.

How To Make Your Setters More Agressive

From Coach Houser

It is tiring to say, "That ball is yours," or "Take that ball" repeatedly, is it not? There are a number of ways to encourage setters to be the take-charge kids your team needs.
Difficulty: Average
Time Required: Varies

Here's How:

  1. Ensure They Know Their Role is the BALL HOG!

    Young ladies are uncomfortable if they think others see them as the ball hog. It may sound odd to us guys, but I bet the women coaches out there agree. It is up to the coach to explain the setter’s role: "Every volleyball team has a setter. The setter is responsible for the second hits. For the team to play well, the setter must do her job. Therefore, the setter trains the most, works the hardest, and must take as many 2nd hits as possible."

  2. Show Them What Their Role Is

    This will best be accomplished by watching video. You can show your players the Olympic setters, college setters, or last year's high school setters. You may have to take the girls to a college match.

  3. Run Drills That Will Teach Your Setters Their Jobs

    Since you have two setters, the following drill may work for you. This was used as a warm-up drill prior to stretching at the Westover Christian Camp. The goal: For the setter to take charge and take ever second point possible. Your entire team is trying to score as many points as possible in 5 minutes.

  4. 5 Minute Madness Drill

    Place any 6 of your players in a free ball formation. Six more girls are on deck and/or handing and shagging. You are on the other side of the net poking balls. The team earns 2 points if the setter takes the second hit with her hands. The team will earn 1 point if she has to take the second hit with her arms. After 1 minute, six new girls run into the drill.

  5. Use the Drill and Set a Goal

    I told my campers that the record was 106 points. You can guess what happened…without any prompting on my part the passers are going "I got it," the setter's hollering, "Here I am!!" and the spikers are saying "Take it, take it," and the setter's saying "I got it, I got it!!" After two tries, they got over 100, but did not break the record. Why? Because the setters were still hesitant to go for some balls they COULD get to, but were not used to taking.

  6. Don’t Go too Far too Soon

    You will have that same problem at first! They wanted to keep trying it; they were pumped. However, I said, "Let's wait until tomorrow.” They could not wait for the next day and, then, on first try, the girls reached 117 points. (I did include one addition thing: if a hitter had to take the second hit and she set another hitter that was worth 1 point).

  7. Make it More Challenging!

    • Give no points for an arm set and 1 point for a handset. The record will then be 48 or something like that.
    • Have the girls earn x consecutive points w/o a "zero.” If they get a "zero," then the team score goes back to zero.
    • Change from poking to standing on a chair. Hit against your double block and have the same scoring system, except you may have to change setters more often…we do not want to kill her.

Using Your Hands to Receive a Serve

From Coach Houser

An answer to the debate on serve-receive using your hands.

Long ago in volleyball history, using your hands to make first contact after the serve was voodoo bad. However, these days the rules have changed and using your hands is an effective and allowable way to return a serve. But, is using your hands the most effective way to receive the ball?

Here is the new rule paraphrased: "Multiple contacts are now legal on all first contacts, whether it is on serve receive, digging, passing frees, etc."

It is a change, but make a note that lifts are still just as illegal as they always have been.

Also note, there is no change in the rules for 2nd and 3rd contacts. So a 2nd contact double or lift will still be called by the referee! A 3rd hit slamma-jamma may still be called a lift!

So, what will the referees consider illegal? Most referees here in Virginia have adopted the following philosophy: If the 1st contact isn't an obvious, no-doubt, back hard throw, then there will be no whistle.

So encourage your girls to use their hands as often as possible.

I really like my players to use their hands when passing a free ball and I ESPECIALLY encourage my players to use their hands when passing a floater, where hands are much superior to arms.

Before you say, "Why teach arms at all?" consider this:
What would you expect your players to do with the spike that ripped at their shoes? And how will your girls pass the tough spinner serve? So even though hands on 1st contact is becoming more and more prevalent, probably 70% of all first contacts are still with a players’ forearms.

A question that’ll come to mind is, "Why was the rule even implemented?" The intent of the new rule was to allow more rallying, to make ball control a little easier to learn, thus making the game more exciting. And it SURE HAS!!! Allowing players to double-contact first hits has made the game more interesting, made rallies last longer, and made passing and digging easier to learn.

Volleyball Basic Rules

Volleyball Basic Rules


( A ) Server must serve from behind the restraining line ( end line ) until after contact.

( B ) Ball may be served underhand or overhand.

( C ) Ball must be clearly visible to opponents before serve.

( D ) Served ball may graze the net and drop to the other side for point.

( E ) First game serve is determined by a volley, each subsequent game shall be served by the previous game loser.

( F ) Serve must be returned by a bump only. no setting or attacking a serve.


  1. Rally scoring will be used.
  2. There will be a point scored on every score of the ball.
  3. Offense will score on a defense miss or out of bounds hit.
  4. Defense will score on an offensive miss, out of bounds hit, or serve into the net.
  5. Game will be played to 25 pts.
  6. Must win by 2 points.


( A ) Team will rotate each time they win the serve.

( B ) Players shall rotate in a clockwise manner.

( C ) There shall be 4-6 players on each side.


( A ) Maximum of three hits per side.

( B ) Player may not hit the ball twice in succession ( A block is not considered a hit ).

( C ) Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on serve.

( D ) A ball touching a boundary line is good.

( E ) A legal hit is contact with the ball by a player body above and including the waist which does not allow the ball to visibly come to a rest.

( F ) If two or more players contact the ball simultaneously, it is considered one play and the players involved may not participate in the next play.

( G ) A player must not block or attack a serve.

( H ) Switching positions will be allowed only between front line players. ( After the serve only ).


( A ) Stepping on or over the line on a serve.

( B ) Failure to serve the ball over the net successfully.

( C ) Hitting the ball illegally ( Carrying, Palming, Throwing, etc. ).

( D ) Touches of the net with any part of the body while the ball is in play. If the ball is driven into the net with such force that it causes the net to contact an opposing player, no foul will be called, and the ball shall continue to be in play.

( E ) Reaching over the net, except under these conditions:

1 - When executing a follow-through.

2 - When blocking a ball which is in the opponents court but is being returned ( the blocker must not contact the ball until after the opponent who is attempting to return the ball makes contact). Except to block the third play.

( F ) Reaches under the net ( if it interferes with the ball or opposing player ).

( G ) Failure to serve in the correct order.

( H ) Blocks or spikes from a position which is clearly not behind the 10-foot line while in a back row position.



Both indoor and outdoor courts are 18 m x 9mi (29'6" x 59').
Indoor courts also include an attack area designated by
a line 3 m (9'10") back from the center line.

Lines on the court are 5cm (2" wide).


Net height for men, co-ed mixed 6, & outdoor is 2.43 meters or 7'11-5/8".
Net height for women, 7'4-1/8".

The height of the net shall be 8'.

The ball weighs between 9 and 10 ounces. Ball pressure is between 4.5 and 6.0 pounds

Volleyball Lingo Translation
"Ace" When the ball is served to the other team, and no one touches it.
"Sideout" When the team that served the ball makes a mistake, causing the ball to go to the other team.
"Roof" When a player jumps above the height of the net, and blocks the ball.
"Stuff" When a player jumps about the height of the net, blocks the ball, and the ball goes back at the person who attacked(spiked) the ball.
"Dig" When a player makes a save from a very difficult spike.
"Kill" When a team spikes the ball and it either ends in a point or a sideout.

Yuso Tomkins Turunkan Pemain Pelapis

[JAKARTA] Bantul Yuso Tomkins yang telah memastikan diri lolos ke "final four", akan menurunkan sebagian besar pemain mudanya pada lanjutan pertandingan kompetisi Sampoerna Hijau Voli Proliga 2008 di Hall Basket Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta, pada 18-20 April mendatang.

"Kami menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk menampilkan pemain muda yang selama ini tidak pernah dapat bermain. Bukan kami menganggap remeh lawan atau memberi kesempatan menang kepada lawan, tetapi kami ingin anak-anak muda kami merasakan kompetisi yang berat. Ini penting buat mereka," ujar pelatih Yuso Putut Marhaento sewaktu dihubungi SP, Rabu (16/4).

Namun, kata Putut, dia tidak akan menampilkan sepenuhnya pemain-pemain miskin pengalaman yang dimilikinya. Ia akan menggabungkan antara beberapa pemain senior yang selalu mendapat kesempatan bermain, dan pemain mudanya.

"Tidak bisa kalau hanya pemain muda yang ditampilkan. Harus ada yang membimbing di lapangan langsung. Mungkin setengah-setengah nanti komposisinya," ujar dosen Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta ini.

Bahkan, Putut berencana akan menampilkan toser yang masih berumur 14 tahun, Antonius Adi, yang merupakan putranya. Bila jadi tampil, dia akan menjadi pemain termuda di sepanjang sejarah Proliga.

Adi diturunkan karena toser utamanya, Sodikin berhalangan hadir. Ia akan bergantian peran dengan toser cadangan Martono.
Yuso memastikan diri ke final four setelah hanya kalah sekali dalam enam laga yang telah mereka jalani. Saat ini, klub voli yang berdiri sejak 1952 itu menduduki peringkat kedua di bawah Jakarta P2B Sananta.

Pada pertandingan yang akan mereka jalani di Jakarta besok, Yuso akan bertemu dua tim yang membutuhkan kemenangan untuk lolos ke final four, Jakarta BNI Taplus, dan Jember Pemkab. Pemkab berada di posisi terakhir klasemen sementara. Bila Pemkab kalah, maka BNI yang akan lolos, sedangkan bila menang, masih ada harapan untuk lolos, tinggal menunggu pertandingan terakhir BNI melawan Yuso.

Di bagian putri, Jakarta BNI Taplus yang juga sudah ke "final four", juga memasang para pemain cadangannya. [ATW/W-11]

sumber.suara pembaruan online

Belanja Dulu, Latihan Kemudian

PRODUK Tiongkok boleh saja membanjiri pasar Indonesia akhir-akhir ini. Ragamnya pun tak terbatas, mulai pakaian jadi, barang-barang elektronik, mainan anak-anak, hingga permen yang diduga banyak mengandung formalin. Namun, itu semua tak menyurutkan niat Kong Yan, pemain asal Tiongkok yang memperkuat Jakarta Elektrik PLN, untuk tetap berbelanja.
Dia tetap bersemangat belanja karena menurut dia, kualitas barang-barang yang dijual di Indonesia lebih bagus daripada di negaranya. "Di sini kualitasnya lebih oke, apa pun itu. Harga-harganya juga terjangkau. Baik di Jakarta maupun di kota-kota lain yang dilewati Proliga," ungkap Yan.

Selama di Indonesia, dia mencari beragam pernak-pernik yang tak akan merepotkan untuk dibawa pulang. Misalnya, jepit rambut hingga t-shirt. Bahkan, demi memuaskan hobinya itu, Yan tak segan meninggalkan latihan bersama rekan-rekannya di GOR Voli Ragunan. Dia paling gemar menuju kawasan belanja di Blok M yang juga dekat dengan kantor PLN.

Seperti kemarin (17/4), tanpa malu-malu di depan Jawa Pos, Yan menghitung sisa uang rupiah dalam dompetnya. "Mudah-mudahan cukup, tapi jangan tanya saya mau beli apa he...he. Pokoknya, apa yang menurut saya menarik dan terjangkau dengan uang saya ya akan saya beli," ungkapnya sebelum berangkat belanja.

Kebetulan, kemarin Victor Laiyan, pelatih Elektrik PLN, memberikan porsi latihan sedikit menjelang seri terakhir Proliga hari ini. "Sebelum berlatih, pemain dijadwalkan pijat dahulu. Tapi, itu tak cocok bagi saya. Setelah pijat, seharusnya istirahat, tidur. Saya, sebelum berlatih, seharusnya belanja-belanja dululah," ujarnya sembari permisi untuk melanjutkan niatnya belanja. (vem/ttg)

Sumber.Jawa Pos

Electric PLN Siap Sapu Bersih

Jakarta - Sampoerna Hijau Proliga Voli sudah memasuki seri terakhir putaran II. Peta persaingan final four pun mulai terbaca jelas. Tim putri Jakarta Electric PLN siap sapu bersih.

Berhasil memimpin klasemen sementara dengan nilai 15 dan menyisakan dua pertandingan, ELectric PLN optimistis bisa kembali menjuarai Proliga setelah terakhir kali meraih titel ini pada tahun 2004.

Ketua Umum Electric PLN Suyud mengaku yakin menghadapi dua laga pamungkas itu. "Kami tidak akan melepaskan begitu saja kesempatan ini. Kami akan sapu habis semua lawan-lawan kami," ungkapnya kepada wartawan dalam media briefing di Gedung PLN Jakarta Selatan, Kamis (17/4/2008).

Electric PLN akan bertarung melawan runner up klasemen, Surabaya Bank Jatim, Sabtu (19/4), dan Gresik Petrokimia pada Minggu (20/4). Untuk melawan Surabaya Bank Jatim, pelatih Electric PLN Victor Laiyan sedikit membocorkan strateginya.

"Kami akan memperkuat kekompakan tim karena quicker mereka telah memperkuat timnas Cina pada tahun 2006," bebernya.

Tidak berbeda dengan di putri, tim putra Jakarta P2B Sananta juga berhasil membuktikan diri sebagai yang terbaik dengan mampu memimpin klasemen sementara dengan nilai 13 meski pada seri sebelumnya mengalami kekalahan 0-3 dari Jakarta BNI Taplus.

Pada seri terakhir, P2B Sananta tidak memiliki agenda pertandingan dan hanya menunggu hasil pertandingan tim lain.

Jadwal seri 4 putaran II, Hall Basket Gelora Bung Karno, Jakarta.

Jumat (18/5)
16.00: Bogor Prayoga Yunita vs Jakarta BNI Taplus (putri)
18.00: Jember Pemkab vs Bantul Yuso Tomkins (putra)

Sabtu (19/4)
16.00: Jakarta Electric PLN vs Surabaya Bank Jatim (putri)
18.00: Bogor Prayoga Yunita vs Jakarta Popsivo Polwan (putri)

Minggu (20/4)
14.00: Gresik Petrokimia vs Jakarta Electric PLN (putri)
16.00: Bantul Yuso Tomkins vs Jakarta BNI Taplus (putra)
18.00: Jakarta BNI Taplus vs Surabaya Bank Jatim (putri)

sumber.detik sport

Rabu, 16 April 2008

Bank Jatim Belum Bisa Tenang

SURABAYA - Surabaya Bank Jatim belum mau berpuas diri. Meski sudah memastikan lolos ke final four Proliga 2008, masih ada ganjalan di hati tim asuhan pelatih asal Tiongkok Huang Mian Cheng tersebut. Mereka ingin membalas kekalahan dari Jakarta Electric PLN. Kans itu terbuka lebar. Sebab, keduanya bakal bersua lagi pada Seri IV Putaran II di Hall Basket, Kompleks Gelora Bung Karno, Senayan, Jakarta, 19-20 April mendatang.

Ya, Surabaya Bank Jatim masih menyisakan dua laga lagi. Selain menantang Jakarta Electric PLN, sebagai pimpinan klasemen, Lilin Lindawati dkk juga berhadapan dengan Jakarta BNI Taplus. Jakarta Electric, juara Proliga 2004, merupakan satu-satunya tim yang pernah mengalahkan Surabaya Bank Jatim di antara delapan laga yang sudah dimainkan pada musim ini.

Manajer Surabaya Bank Jatim Edi Rusianto berharap agar anak asuhnya bermain lepas tanpa beban. "Karena kami telah lolos ke final four, tak ada lagi target yang harus dicapai dengan sangat serius," ujarnya.

Meski demikian, dia mengatakan bahwa aroma revans sangat kental dalam tim. Mereka ingin membuktikan bahwa Bank Jatim kini jauh lebih baik, apalagi setelah dua amunisi baru asal Tiongkok, Wang Ting dan Zhang Jing, bergabung. "Mereka sering kali menjadi kunci kemenangan tim kami melawan tim kuat seperti Gresik Petrokimia. Kini, kami jauh lebih pede," tambah Ketua Harian Surabaya Bank Jatim Johanes Kunto.

Apalagi, menurut dia, adaptasi dua pemain Tiongkok tersebut terhadap permainan tim kini telah berkembang sangat pesat. "Jika di beberapa pertandingan sebelumnya masih banyak terlihat kurangnya kesepahaman di antara dua pemain itu terutama dengan tosser Lilin dan Kiki Maria, kini mereka terlihat jauh lebih baik," terang Kunto.

Para tosser Surabaya Bank Jatim kini telah mengerti karakter bola passing yang menjadi kebutuhan dua pemain asing tersebut sebelum melakukan spike. "Dulu, tim kami kalah 0-3. Tapi, perlawanan dari anak-anak pun cukup gigih. Terbukti, tiga set tersebut semuanya harus dilalui dengan deuce," kilahnya.

Pelatih Surabaya Bank Jatim Huang Mian Cheng menilai, kelemahan timnya yang perlu segera dibenahi adalah kemampuan receive (penerimaan). Hal tersebut sangat krusial bagi penampilan tim. "Itu adalah awal dari bagaimana distribusi bola. Jika berhasil dengan baik, akan memudahkan serangan," lanjutnya.

Sementara itu, manajemen Surabaya Bank Jatim memutuskan untuk mengarantina para pemainnya sebelum babak final four di Bandung akhir April mendatang. Edi mengemukakan, langkah karantina tersebut dilakukan agar seluruh pemain tim juara bertahan itu bisa konsentrasi dan menjalankan program latihan dengan maksimal.

"Setelah seri III di Jember pekan lalu, seluruh pemain kami karantina di salah satu hotel di Surabaya. Langkah ini juga kami lakukan pada musim lalu dan hasilnya cukup bagus karena kami bisa merebut juara," papar Edi.

Pada Proliga musim 2008, Surabaya Bank Jatim mematok target mempertahankan gelar juara. Edi menyebut, selain Jakarta Electric, dua tim lain yang lolos final four, Gresik Petrokimia dan Jakarta BNI Taplus, patut mendapat perhatian dan tidak bisa dipandang sebelah mata.

Sumber:Jawa Pos Online - volimania.org

Smash Berbuntut Durian

JOHANES Kunto, salah seorang pengurus Surabaya Bank Jatim, bingung bukan main. Sejak tiba di Bandara Juanda, Surabaya, hingga selama perjalanan, dua pemain asal Tiongkok yang baru dijemputnya -Wang Ting dan Zhang Jing- berkali-kali menyebut kata "yulien". Kunto bingung karena tak bisa bahasa Mandarin. Sedangkan penguasaan bahasa Inggris Wang dan Zhang sangat minim.
Akhirnya, kebingungan Kunto baru berakhir saat mobil yang ditumpanginya bersama Wang dan Zhang sampai di hotel tempat kedua pemain tersebut diinapkan di kawasan Tidar, Surabaya. Begitu turun dari mobil, dengan mata berbinar, Wang dan Zhang langsung menunjuk kepada stan pedagang buah-buahan yang ada di depan hotel. "Yulien... yulien," teriak mereka. Olala, ternyata, "si yulien" yang mereka maksud adalah durian!

"Kami langsung dibelikan 25 buah," kenang Zhang kemarin (15/4) tentang saat-saat kedatangannya di Surabaya pada 21 Maret lalu itu.

Dasar doyan, hanya dalam waktu satu hari, 25 durian tersebut habis. Melihat hal itu, pengurus Bank Jatim pun langsung mendapat ide untuk menggenjot motivasi kedua legiun asingnya tersebut. Yaitu, tiap kali bisa melepaskan smash tajam yang sama sekali tak mampu dijangkau lawan dalam satu pertandingan atau ada smash mereka yang mengenai kepala lawan, Wang dan Zhang bakal dihadiahi durian sebanyak yang mereka mau.

"Wah, kami jelas sangat gembira atas tambahan motivasi dari pengurus itu," ungkap Wang.

Suntikan semangat berupa durian itu terbukti ampuh. Saat diturunkan untuk kali pertama di Seri II Proliga 2008 di Malang pada 4-6 April lalu, keduanya tampil menggila. Dua lawan yang dihadapi Bank Jatim di Seri II tersebut dapat digilas berkat tampilan gemilang Wang dan Zhang. Karena itu, pengurus Bank Jatim pun memenuhi janjinya. Wang dan Zhang diajak ke Batu untuk jajan durian.

"Kami suka durian di sini karena rasanya lebih manis. Beda dengan di Tiongkok. Di sana, buahnya lebih besar-besar, tapi rasanya masih kalah dengan durian di sini," kata Wang dan Zhang kompak.

Sumber: Jawa Pos Online - volimania.org

Tetap Wajib Menang

Bolanews.com. Seperti yang sudah diduga sejak awal, lanjutan kompetisi Sampoerna Hijau Voli Proliga 2008 putaran II Seri III di GOR PKPSO, Jember, menjadi penegasan bagi tim-tim yang sudah memastikan langkahnya ke babak final four.

Diawali dengan langkah tim putri Gresik Petrokimia, yang mampu menundukkan Bogor Prayoga Unitas 3-1, Jumat.

"Kami tak mau meremehkan pertandingan. Bahkan perlawanan mereka mengejutkan," ujar Gunarti Indah Yani, kapten tim Gresik Petrokimia yang berpangkat sersan Angkatan Laut.

Laga ini sebenarnya tidak lagi menentukan bagi Tim Kota Pudak. Bahkan kemenangan pada seri ketiga putaran kedua ini sekaligus menempatkan posisinya di urutan teratas klasemen sementara dengan sembilan kali main dan mengumpulkan nilai 15.

Sementara itu, tuan rumah Jakarta Popsivo Polwan, yang sejak awal sudah lesu darah, tak mampu memberikan perlawanan saat ditantang Yulianingsih dkk. dari Jakarta Elektrik PLN. Mereka kalah 0-3 (19-25, 27-29, 13-25). "Ini jadi bahan evaluasi kami untuk ke depannya. Kami sebisa mungkin tidak lempar handuk dan kami tak mau ini dianggap sebagai pertandingan untuk gugur kewajiban," tegas Dadang Sudrajat, pelatih Popsivo yang tetap menjunjung tinggi sportivitas meski timnya sudah tidak bisa masuk babak final four. Di pertandingan hari terakhir, Popsivo kembali dikalahkan Surabaya Bank Jatim tiga set tanpa balas.

"Kami tak mau memikirkan apa yang dipikirkan lawan, yang penting kami tetap berkonsentrasi dan wajib menang," ujar Yulianingsih, toser Elektrik PLN. Meski begitu, menurut sang pelatih, Victor Laiyan, anak asuhnya masih belum mencapai performa terbaiknya.

"Kalau pemain asing, saya yakin mereka sudah profesional, yang utama saya memperhatikan grafik permainan pemain lokal yang masih 70% saja dari kemampuannya," tegasnya.

BNI Tak Peduli

bolanews.com Dua kemenangan gemilang Jakarta BNI Taplus pada seri ketiga putaran kedua di GOR PKPSO, Jember, 11-13 April, memang belum memastikan langkah Jakarta BNI Taplus di babak final four. Namun, Loudry Maspaitella tetap optimistis.

Langkah BNI tertahan setelah di luar dugaan Jember Pemkab menundukkan juara bertahan Surabaya Samator 3-0 pada partai terakhir, Minggu. “Saya sudah merasa Jember bakal menang atas Samator, namun tak masalah bagi kami. BNI masih berpeluang,” kata Loudry.

Jember dan BNI memang harus bersaing berebut satu tempat babak final four. BNI mencetak tiga kemenangan, Jember dua kali menang. Kedua tim tinggal memainkan satu pertandingan melawan Bantul Yuso Tomkins saat seri terakhir di Jakarta, 18-20 April.

“Kami harus menang lawan Yuso, tak peduli hasil partai Jember vs Yuso nanti. Kondisi ini juga baik bagi persiapan BNI. Belum aman menuju final four akan membuat kami lebih serius melakukan persiapan,” tegas toser kawakan ini.

Peluang BNI memang lebih besar dibanding Jember. Tiga kali juara Proliga ini unggul dalam rasio angka kemenangan dibanding pesaing mereka.

BNI mengawali partai di Jember dengan cemerlang. Loudry dkk. menumbangkan Jember Pemkab 3-1, kemudian menundukkan pemimpin klasemen sementara, Jakarta P2B Sananta, lewat pertarungan lima set.

“Mereka tak turun dengan formasi terbaik. Mungkin menghemat tenaga untuk babak final four,” kata Loudry, yang juga pengurus PP PBVSI bidang Pembinaan Prestasi.

“Sananta tidak melepas gim ini, tetap serius,” elak pelatih Sananta, Benny Martarius. Ia menyebut pasukannya banyak melakukan kesalahan saat kritis. “BNI memang tampil lebih bagus malam ini,” puji Benny, mantan pemain nasional.

Benny berjanji akan fokus menghadapi babak final four di GOR C’Tra Arena, Bandung, 25-27 April nanti.

Sananta menjadi tim pertama yang menyelesaikan babak regular Proliga. Di Jakarta, Joko Murdianto dkk. tak akan turun bermain. Kesempatan ini akan dilakukan Benny untuk mengasah timnya.


Kekalahan dari BNI rupanya melecut semangat Jember Pemkab. “Saat menang set pertama atas BNI, anak-anak jadi over confidence hingga akhirnya kalah,” kata manajer tim Jember, Widi Prasetyo.

Saat melawan Samator, Rudi Santoso dkk. diinstruksikan untuk tetap menjaga konsentrasi pada setiap set. Hasilnya mereka bisa meredam permainan cepat yang menjadi ciri khas Samator.

“Hari ini Samator bermain jelek. Beban menang membuat mereka tidak tampil maksimal,” tutur manajer tim Samator, Hari Trisnardjo.

Kekalahan ini akan menjadi bahan evaluasi bagi Samator, yang juga sudah menyelesaikan kewajiban di babak regular. Joni Sugiyatno dkk. tinggal bersiap menghadapi babak final four.

Di babak empat besar masing-masing tim akan bertarung setengah kompetisi, dua tim terbaik akan bertarung di babak grand final di Istora Gelora Bung Karno, 4 Mei.

Namun, seri terakhir di Gedung Basket Gelora Bung Karno Jakarta, masih sangat sengit. Tim putra pamungkas menuju babak final four akan ditentukan di sana. Jadi, siapa jago Anda, BNI atau Jember? (Indra Ita/Roosyudhi Priyanto)

Jumat, 11 April
Putri: Bogor Prayoga Unitas vs Gresik Petrokimia 1-3 (19-25, 22-25, 25-20, 19-25)
Putra: Jember Pemkab vs Jakarta BNI Taplus 1-3 (25-15, 12-25, 21-25, 21-25)

Sabtu, 12 April
Putri: Jakarta Popsivo Polwan vs Jakarta Electric PLN 0-3 (19-25, 27-29, 13-25)
Putra: Jakarta P2B Sananta vs Jakarta BNI Taplus 2-3 (21-25, 17-25, 25-23, 30-28, 21-23)

Minggu, 13 April
Putri: Jakarta Popsivo Polwan vs Surabaya Bank Jatim 0-3 (17-25, 23-25, 20-25)
Putra: Jember Pemkab vs Surabaya Samator 3-0 (25-23, 29-27, 25-22)

Pemain Surabaya Bank Jatim Dikarantina Jelang Final Proliga

Surabaya (ANTARA News) - Manajemen tim putri Surabaya Bank Jatim memutuskan untuk mengkarantina para pemainnya di sebuah tempat agar mereka fokus menyiapkan diri menghadapi babak "final four" Sampoerna Hijau Voli Proliga 2008 di Bandung akhir April mendatang.
Manajer Surabaya Bank Jatim, Edi Rusianto, mengemukakan, langkah karantina dilakukan agar seluruh pemain tim juara bertahan itu bisa konsentrasi dan menjalankan program latihan dengan maksimal.

"Setelah seri ketiga di Jember pekan lalu, seluruh pemain kami karantina di salah satu hotel di Surabaya. Langkah ini juga sudah kami lakukan pada musim lalu dan hasilnya cukup bagus, karena kami bisa merebut juara," katanya di Surabaya, Selasa.

Edi Rusianto menegaskan bahwa pada Proliga musim 2008, timnya mematok target bisa mempertahankan gelar juara. Sejauh ini, penampilan Rianita Panirwan dan kawan-kawan terus menunjukkan peningkatan.

Surabaya Bank Jatim masih menyisakan dua laga pada seri terakhir di Jakarta akhir pekan ini, melawan tuan rumah Jakarta Elektrik PLN dan Jakarta BNI Taplus.

Jakarta Elektrik yang juara Proliga 2004 merupakan satu-satunya tim yang pernah mengalahkan Surabaya Bank Jatim, dari delapan laga yang sudah dimainkan pada musim ini.

Namun, Edi Rusianto menyebut dua tim lain yang lolos "final four" yakni Gresik Petrokimia dan Jakarta BNI Taplus juga patut mendapat perhatian dan tidak bisa dipandang "sebelah mata".

"Kami kalah dari Jakarta Eelektrik, karena saat itu kekuatan tim tidak sebagus sekarang. Karena itu, kami optimis bisa membalas mereka di Jakarta nanti," kata Edi Rusianto.

Ia menyebut, kehadiran dua mantan pemain nasional asal Cina, Wang Ting dan Zhang Jing mampu menambah peforma tim. Keduanya menjadi motor serangan untuk mendulang poin.

"Justru yang kami waspadai saat ini adalah faktor nonteknis. Kalau mental tanding, teknik dan fisik, sudah tidak ada masalah," kata Edi Rusianto menambahkan.

Usai menjalani seri terakhir, seluruh pemain Surabaya Bank Jatim juga langsung dikarantina di Jakarta, sebelum tampil pada "final four" di Bandung.

Pelatih Jakarta Elektrik, Victor Laiyan yang dikonfirmasi ANTARA saat perhelatan seri ketiga di Jember akhir pekan lalu, mengakui kalau Surabaya Bank Jatim merupakan lawan paling berat dibanding dua tim lain yang lolos empat besar.

"Saya selalu tekankan kepada pemain bahwa semua tim yang dihadapi adalah lawan berat. Mereka tidak boleh lengah dan harus tetap tampil maksimal," katanya.

Victor menambahkan, timnya terus melakukan pembenahan untuk menghadapi babak final four. Sektor pertahanan, "passing receive" dan mental tanding merupakan beberapa kelemahan yang menjadi fokus pembenahan.

(*) Sumber.Kantor Berita Antara

Kejurda Voli Remaja 2008, Kali Pertama Digelar di Plaza

Sebagai Bentuk Kreativitas, Juga untuk Sindiran
Kota Surabaya punya dua tim yang berlaga di Proliga 2008. Keduanya, Surabaya Samator dan Surabaya Bank Jatim, bahkan berstatus sebagai juara bertahan. Tapi, dua tim papan atas itu justru menggunakan GOR Ken Arok Malang sebagai home base. Mengapa? Atmosfer Atrium Plaza Tunjungan III sore itu tidak seperti biasanya. Kalau pengunjung masuk dari arah Sogo, terdengar tiupan peluit yang nyaring, diikuti bunyi keras bola voli yang beradu dengan tangan. Tak jarang, teriakan pemain memenuhi ruangan. Ya, di Atrium Plaza yang megah di Surabaya itu, sedang dihelat Kejuaraan Daerah Voli Remaja 2008.

Tidak ada kata lain yang pantas diucapkan kepada penyelenggara acara tersebut selain: kreatif. Sebab, selama ini, voli belum begitu menyentuh kalangan anak muda, meski penggemarnya tak kalah banyak. Gaung kejuaraan voli kerap kalah keras dibandingkan turnamen basket. Tak jarang basket atau segala turunannya, 3 on 3 maupun streetball, diadakan di mal. Tapi untuk voli, ini memang kali pertama di Indonesia.

Ide pelaksanaan kompetisi voli amatir di pusat perbelanjaan tersebut datang dari Ketua Umum PBVSI Surabaya Anang Iskandar. Pria yang juga menjabat Kapolwiltabes itu sempat bingung ketika Surabaya ditunjuk sebagai tuan rumah kejurda voli remaja tahun ini. "Saya langsung berpikir, mau diadakan di mana ya?" ujarnya.

Karena sasaran kejuaraan itu adalah para remaja, dia jadi ingin mengemasnya menjadi semenarik mungkin. "Bagaimana caranya agar orang awam, yang bukan dari kalangan voli, tertarik nonton kejurda ini. Lalu saya pikir, kenapa tidak diadakan di Atrium Plaza saja, pasti banyak yang ingin melihat," ungkapnya.

Lalu, dipikirkan segala cara supaya Atrium Plaza yang berbentuk oval tersebut bisa digunakan sebagai venue pertandingan olahraga. Perlu kerja ekstrakeras untuk menyulap tempat yang biasanya dipakai pameran dan fashion show itu menjadi sebuah lapangan voli.

Akhirnya, lantai beton berlapis keramik itu ditutup karpet karet. Tiang net diikat kuat-kuat ke lantai karena tentu tidak mungkin ditancapkan. Untuk menahan laju bola terbang ke mana-mana (apalagi banyak gerai makanan di sekitar atrium), dipasanglah jaring setinggi lima meter.

"Kami baru selesai mengerjakan lapangan ini hanya beberapa jam sebelum upacara pembukaan. Sebab, Minggu malam masih ada acara di sini. Kami harus menunggu sampai mereka selesai kukut-kukut, baru kami bisa bikin lapangan," jelas Soetedjo, salah seorang panitia.

Tapi, kerja keras itu terbayar lunas ketika sorenya, Senin (7/4), Atrium langsung penuh disesaki penonton. Bukan hanya suporter dua tim yang sedang berlaga, tapi juga orang yang sedang berbelanja dan kebetulan lewat. "Misi saya hampir tercapai, yaitu menggabungkan olahraga dengan entertainment," tegas Anang puas.

Namun, kemudian muncul dugaan bahwa kejurda itu diadakan di mal karena Surabaya tidak memiliki GOR yang representatif untuk kejuaraan profesional. Anang tidak menampik hal tersebut. "Sebenarnya ide utamanya tetap menggabungkan olahraga dengan hiburan. Tapi, kalau mau disebut sebagai sindiran buat pemkot, ya tidak apa-apa," ujarnya lalu terkekeh.

Dia mengaku, ketiadaan sarana yang memadai juga memaksa dirinya lebih kreatif. "Kalau menurut saya, tiada rotan, akar pun jadi. Tiada gedung voli, plaza pun jadi. Lha, ternyata hasilnya sangat bagus. Tahun depan, kalau masih diberi kesempatan memimpin PBVSI Surabaya, saya akan adakan di mal lagi," jelasnya.

Memang, kata Anang, cukup ironis kota terbesar kedua di Indonesia ini tidak punya GOR voli yang representatif untuk kejuaraan bertaraf profesional. "Untuk tingkat amatir seperti kejurda ini, plaza masih ngatasi. Tapi, untuk sekelas Proliga, gedung olahraga dengan fasilitas lapangan voli mutlak diperlukan," tegasnya.

Anang bukannya tidak berusaha melobi pemkot. "Saya sudah sekitar 17 kali menghadap pemkot. Tapi, sampai sekarang belum terealisasi. Ya kita tunggu saja. Saya tidak akan bosan meminta," kata perwira polisi berpangkat Kombes tersebut sabar.

Ketiadaan sarana itu pula yang membuat dua tim papan atas Proliga asal Surabaya, Samator dan Bank Jatim, tidak bisa menjamu para tamu di kota sendiri. Mereka harus memakai GOR Ken Arok Malang sebagai home base.

Menurut manajer Bank Jatim Eddie Rusyanto, hal itu cukup berpengaruh terhadap kondisi mental para punggawanya. "Beda lho rasanya bermain di kota sendiri dengan bertindak sebagai tuan rumah di kota lain. Di Malang, rasanya kami tetap tamu," ungkapnya.

Sampai kapan Bank Jatim dan Samator yang berdomisili di Surabaya itu harus menggunakan Malang sebagai home base?

Pemkot sudah berjanji membangun megaproyek fasilitas olahraga bernama Surabaya Sport Center (SSC) yang dijadwalkan selesai tahun depan. Tampaknya, untuk menyaksikan tim Surabaya berlaga di kota sendiri, harus menunggu realisasi janji pemkot.

sumber: jawapos.com

Kamis, 10 April 2008

How To Set a Volleyball

Difficulty: Hard
Time Required: 2 seconds

Here's How:

  1. Set up with your feet staggered and dominate foot forward.
  2. Move to the ball.
  3. Your shoulders should be square to your target, arms and legs bent with your weight on your toes.
  4. Hands are placed above your forehead with the palms up.
  5. Your hand should form a window with the thumbs forward and index fingers close to each other.
  6. Contact the ball on the lower back side with fingers and thumbs and push up with your arms and legs.
  7. Fully extend your arms and point your hands toward the target.
  8. Transfer your weight towards the target and move in the direction of the set.


  1. Keep the ball in front of you.
  2. Step forward on contact the ball, pushing the ball slightly behind your head for a back set. Be careful not to make a lift.
  3. Relaxed hands make for smoother sets.

What You Need:

  • volleyball
  • volleyball net
  • a friend or team mate

Set Me!!

Learning The Basics

Setting is more than just putting a ball up in the air. In order for your team to have an effective offense you have to learn to place the ball exactly where your hitters expect it.

To do this, teams employ various methods of hand signals. I have played on many different teams and each used their own setting signals. Every time I join a new team I have to relearn a system. Normally, teams will number the location along the net that the ball will be placed. The numbers I use in this articles are what I find to be the most common among all the teams I have played. However, it seems each country and/or region numbers them differently. Although the numbering is different the theory is the same.

Set me a 5!!

In this article I am going to talk only about the basic sets. From these many different possibilities can be tailored to your individual teams. The first is the 5. This is a set that is high and outside, allowing plenty of time for the outside hitter to move to the ball, and then hit a cross court shot back into the opposite court. This set is the easiest set for the opponent's blocker's to block. The length of time the ball is in the air allows for the other team to put up two blockers against the hitter. Also, because the hitter is to the outside, it is very difficult to hit any angle other than a cross court shot. Similar to this is the back 5. With skill the setter is able to set the ball backward with little fore warning.

Set me a 3!!

The 3, my personal favorite, is delivered with a lower arc. It puts more pressure on the setter to place the set in the correct spot as the hitter has less time to adjust his approach. Of course the opponent also has less time to put up the block. back threeAlso the hitter's can easily adjust to both a line angle or cross court angle depending on what kind of opposition he/she is facing. Once again, another effective variant to this is the back three.

Set me a 2!!

The 2, another one of my favorites, calls for accurate timing on the part of both the hitter and the setter. The set is delivered in such a manner that the hitter jumps about the same time that the setter sets the ball. That way both the setter and the hitter reach their apex at the same time. This is very effective against good blockers as they have very little time to react to the hit. It is also set very close to the net allowing the hitter to pound the ball downward.

Set me a 1!!
The 1, a crowd pleaser, is very similar to the 2 except that the hitter is already airborne when the setter sets the ball. The setter attempts to feed the hitter the ball so that the hitter is actually starting his/her descent. When done correctly, with precise timing and set close to the net, the hitter is able to use not only his/her strength but also the pull of gravity to smash the ball down, often in front of the ten foot line.

Set me The Shooter!!
Another crowd pleaser is the shooter. Again, it calls for precise timing on the part of the setter and hitter. The setter feeds the ball across the court to the airborne hitter. The pass is extremely quick allowing for little forewarning to the attack. This is a difficult but effective tool in a team's arsenal.

Set me the 10!!

One other set, is the 10. It is called the 10 because it refers to the ten foot line. Basically the setter sets a 5 but instead of a front line hitter, it is set to a back court hitter who then spikes from behind the 10 foot line. The resulting spike is often a top-spin spike that can fly over the hands of the blockers and smash down in the backcourt.

These are just a few basic sets and set plays. There are dozens of plays to choose from but all of them have their roots in these. The key is to develop a signaling system and practice with your team.

How To Control a Shanked Volleyball Pass

By Joseph Salonga. One of the toughest skills a setter learns is controlling the shanked pass. They come in all varieties: passes to the side; over the net; and backwards. This technique focuses on balls passed into the net.
Difficulty: Hard
Time Required: 2 Seconds

Here's How:

  1. Get to the ball: the most important step, even on a good pass. If you can't get there, you can't control the ball
  2. Get low. If you try to take the ball too high, you may touch the net. Getting low also gives you more time to react after the ball comes out of the net
  3. Platform! Platform! Platform! Your arms should be ready for the pass the ball higher than normal. (Remember you will be below the net)
  4. Pass off the net. If you pass the ball in the same place as the net, your hitters will have a difficult time hitting cleanly, or worse, you will set the other team.


  1. Before the match begins, try tossing the ball at the net. Every net has different tension. Some balls roll straight down, others will pop all the way out to the 3-meter line.
  2. Read your own passers.

Rabu, 09 April 2008

How to Pass Any Serve

How to Pass Any Serve

Being able to pass is the key to winning. A good pass puts your team in the driver's seat, while a bad pass severely limits your options.

By Kent Syeffes

We've all been taught the basics about passing: Get to the ball, make a good platform, stay balanced. And with a nice easy serve, there's no problem doing that. But what about when the serve isn't so easy? Being able to pass the difficult serve is what separates the great players from the good.

The key to passing a tough serve is to get to the ball. You may have to forget about using correct form. Whatever gets you to the ball is what's important. Once there, concentrate on keeping your platform in front of you and your hips under you, and remember to keep your eyes on the ball.

Because these serves are difficult to return, your form isn't going to be perfect. That's okay if the end result is a good pass.

Deep corner serve

The deep corner serve

The Deep Corner Serve

You often see this serve when you're on the bad side and the other team has the luxury of serving into the wind as hard as they want. This serve tends to float up high and drop suddenly. Sometimes, you won't be able to touch the ball when you reach up for it, so you'll think it's going out-but it'll drop inside the court anyway.

To handle this serve, turn your body away from the net and extend toward the ball. First, you need to take a step back. If you're a right-side player, step back with your right foot to open your body toward the line (reverse this if you play the left). To keep your balance, make sure you don't lunge. As you reach to pass the ball, dip your left shoulder (or right shoulder, if you play the left) so your platform will angle toward the net. If you forget to dip your shoulder, you'll end up passing straight up. To get the ball up toward the net, swing and extend your trunk and use your legs. You should use your entire body to generate force. Finally, keep your head still to give you balance and help maintain your court sense.

In a perfect world, your pass should go up to the net. However, you're in an extended deep position, so your partner shouldn't commit to the net in case you make a bad pass. It's better to pass into the middle of the court, a little higher than normal but not so high that it becomes difficult for your partner to set. Of course, your final placement will depend on how good a setter your partner is. If you're playing with Scott Ayakatubby, go ahead and put the ball up to the net.

Deep corner serve

The hubby-wife

The Hubby-Wife

This serve is commonly known as the husband-and-wife because it splits a team right down the middle and leaves them saying, "You got it"/"You take it." The idea is that neither partner goes for the ball. To deal with the hubby-wife serve, you and your partner will both have to go for it. The secret to dealing with this serve is to have one partner slightly in front of the other when you both go for it. This has two advantages. First, if both partners aggressively pursue the ball, the risk of them colliding is minimized since they're in different planes. Second, if the player nearer the net misses the pass, his partner behind him can pick it up. Generally, the partner slightly in front is the cross-court player, and he is expected to pass the ball. This creates a small problem: His partner is still behind him in the fail-safe position. To deal with this, the rear partner has to aggressively push his way up to the net to set. If this means shoving the front partner out of the way, so be it. If you're the rear partner, you have to be just as aggressive pursuing the set as you were pursuing the pass.

The front partner can help by keeping an eye on his partner so he knows how the play is developing. If he sees that his partner isn't committed to taking the serve, the front partner can put up a normal pass. If his partner has committed and is now stuck behind him, he should put the pass more straight up and off the net. Getting to know what your partner will do in this situation is very helpful, and that's why practice is important.

Deep corner serve

The angle serve

The Angle Serve

This is the Adam Johnson special-a jump serve that slices cross court and drops in by the sideline. Because the ball drops so fast, you have to get away from the standard passing position. This is definitely not textbook passing. Generally, as a right-side player dealing with an easy cross-court serve, you step with your left foot to cover the distance, then swing your right foot around to square your body to the net. But you don't have the time to drag your right foot around with this serve. So you have to extend and lead with your left leg in an aggressive, strong movement, as if you're about to dive. Flatten your platform by dropping your left shoulder. Because your hips are twisted away from the net, compensate by shifting your shoulders toward the net. Don't worry about passing the ball backward, just try to get the ball up into the air. Your partner should be following you, so if you don't shank the ball, pretty much anything will be a good pass.

The short serve

The short serve

The Short Serve

Mike Dodd is famous for this one. You don't want to dive to pass this serve. If you're diving, it means you haven't been paying attention (although even I have found myself diving on this serve). The key here is to use long forward steps while you bring your hips underneath your body. If your hips are behind your body, this causes your upper body to lean forward and sends the ball into the net. Because this serve is so short, you have no room for error in front of you.

Take long steps to get to the ball, then lunge forward on your last step and get down on one knee to get your hips underneath you. Make sure your body is upright, and keep your platform up and extended. It's okay to pass a little bit behind you because the physics of this move mean that since you're moving forward, the ball will travel slightly forward. Pass the ball high enough that you give yourself time to jump up, back up two steps and get into your hitting approach.

The high floater

The high floater

The High Floater

Usually you see this serve when you're on the bad side and your opponent is serving into the wind. This is unlike the deep corner serve because it comes directly at you. When the ball is off to one side or the other, you can usually turn and move to it. But when it's over your head you can't. It's very difficult to turn and move in the exact opposite direction, especially once your weight is leaning backward, as often happens with this serve.

When you get really stuck with this serve, try using the tomahawk pass. Make sure the ball is truly straight on. If it's off to one side you're better off taking a step and passing it normally. Get your hands up and together early, otherwise you'll probably get called for a double hit. You need to show the ref that you've already created a single platform. Hold your hands together in either a loosely clenched fist-inside-a-fist or with two flat hands together, as if you're praying. Bend your wrists backward and point your elbows forward so your upper arms are nearly parallel to the ground. Contact the ball on the meat of your palms, not on your wrists as you would a normal pass. You won't be able to make a perfect pass on this play, but try to get the ball up and slightly forward.

The Platform

From Volleyball Magazine

The Platform

Fine tune your passing

Okay, you think you've got passing figured out. You move your feet to anticipate the ball, the body position is pretty good, and your accuracy is improving. But there are still a few things that you can do to fine tune your passing game. Many of them focus on the passing platform.

The "Rule of Thumb"

When the ball's on its way, you can't spend a lot of time looking to see if you have the correct form. So here's an easy way to make sure your hands are aligned correctly. I call it the "rule of thumb." Make sure your thumbs are lined up and pressed together from base to tip. After that, it doesn't matter whether you interlace your fingers or wrap them around the other hand. Thc thumb trick keeps your passing area -the spot between your wrists and the middle of your forearms-level. If one thumb is higher than the other, or wraps over the other, you'll create an uneven surface


Use Your Thumbs as a Pointer

When you receive the hall, the tips of your thumbs should be aimed as far toward the floor as possible. This makes your wrists angle downward, which flares your lower forearms out to create a better passing area. As you follow through on the pass, make sure your thumb tips end up pointing toward your target.

Lock Your Elbows

The biggest mistake beginners make is letting their elbows get loose while passing. It's a natural instinct to pull your arms back toward the ball, especially when it comes up at your chest. Instead, back away from the ball so you can pass with full arm extension.

Full extension is important for accuracy. Anyone who's taken a high ball with their wrists pulled in close to the chest and elbows out to the side knows it's impossible to control. But locking out your elbows and extending your arms with wrists turned down gives you a solid, flat platform the foundation for accurate passing.

Make locking your elbows second nature. Envision balancing a board on your arms. If you pull your arm in toward your head and unlock your elbows, the board will fall and the ball will shank.

Don't Shrug It Off

One final tip: Shrug your shoulders as you go through the motion, keeping them up by your ears as you pass the ball. This helps you extend you platform as far in front of your body as possible and aids in keeping your elbows solid and locked. It also tends to make you lean forward slightly, which counteracts another beginner's tendency resting your weight on your heels. When passing, you’ll want to keep your weight centered over your mid-foot area or slightly forward. This helps give the pass forward momentum. ·

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